Appartement am Hauser Kaibling   Appartement BERGTRÄUME - Header


Appartement am Hauser Kaibling
Appartement BERGTRÄUME

Manuela Pfusterer-Petritsch
Ruperting 140
A 8967 Haus im Ennstal

+43 664 210 16 99

Photos: Manuela Pfusterer-Petritsch

Responsible for the content of this website, with the exception of the linked sites, and in the event of discrepancies please contact: Manuela Pfusterer-Petritsch.
All details and information have been compiled with the utmost care and to the best of our knowledge. Nevertheless, errors cannot be completely ruled out. We would therefore like to point out that we do not assume any guarantee, legal responsibility or any liability for consequences that can be traced back to incorrect information.

Place of jurisdiction is Schladming. Austrian law applies.